Thursday, October 23, 2008


Okay, that must have sounded a tad bit weird, and I'll agree with you on that. But the Hwacha was an old weapon, and was to shoot 200 Arrows and they go 500 yards I think (500 something) and the arrows were to implode on impact.

Now, does the Hwacha sound cool? Well... it was even COOLER on MYTHBUSTERS! Oh yea, Grant, Tori and Keri were to see if this was true! YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN IT! I watched it last night, and man! That was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing I could say would tell you how cool it was to watch 200 arrows go shooting off (Well.. 199 arrows, one didn't go)

Man, that was soo like WOW and Dad was laughing and I was like SWEET! (and laughing) Nothing beats Mythbusters. Oh and if you were wondering what Adam and Jamie were doing, well they got drunk to test some stuff......... it was.. IN-TER-EST-ING =p


Anonymous said...

That doesn't actually sound that odd. The name I mean. It sounds like some sound they'd use in an old superhero TV show or something... but the weapon sounds pretty deadly...

Shannon said...

It is VERY deadly! It was so affective that they just lined their borders with these.

Anonymous said...

wow i love mythbusters... some times it is a little wierd though... my younger brother LOOOOVES it...

Shannon said...

Hi Anonymous.... who are you?

Tiffany said...

It sounds so AWESOME!!! I wish I could have seen the episode.