Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Funny Thing

Okay I think this was so funny, maybe not to you but to me it was!

I was riding my bike and I saw a bird dive down. My eye went down with the little thing and I heard a kind of screech. But a car was in the way. When the car was out of the way and I could see I saw.....
The bird, flying away from a huge fluffy gray cat! It had attached a cat! And the cat looked like he was a bit too full to eat the bird, so it spared its little life. But the birdie... looked like he had won a battle.


Anonymous said...

I love it when little birds do stuff like that... to BIG animals...

Shannon said...

I know, little bird at hawk and such. But it was so funny. The cat could have clawed the life out of lil birdie, but for some reason didn't... I thought it was funny

Tiffany said...

Haha, that's funny. I'm glad both are ok!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and Shannon, I just noticed that on your sidebar thingy, at the 'more on me' section, you said you need a labtop... I'm assuming that's a typo? =P

Anonymous said...

odd bird. this is patrick.