I'm dancing for two reasons!
1. I don't have to be 'mom' anymore. She's up and about, like moms do. Light hurts her eye and she can't see with that eye, but other then that she's fine. Thanks for your prayers!
2. I (with Austin and Tiffany) have won bragging rights! Team Three ROCKS! We won badmitten, 21 to 11!!! Chrust should be fun.... Also, Tim and Mandy won Vollyball, 21 to 11 funny right? But they got theirs done al lot faster! So they made the three other dad's at their play... WE were so stuck on point 3, all the badmitten rackets kept getting the birdie stuck in them! It was fun.
Got to go sleep now... One more thing, I got to hold the baby!!!! Eva Campbell!!! YAY =) 2 1/2 weeks old or so....
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Posted by Shannon at 6:22 PM 1 comments
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Give Thee Rest and I shall Sleep
3rd day of caring for mom/brothers. I haven't gotten breakfast and sometimes no lunch... My lunch today: A large thing of pot roast! is heating up...
I never have felt so tired for so long! It feels like I just closed my eyes and its time to wake up. I don't WANT to get up, but I couldn't get back to sleep. As soon as I walked out of my room today, I felt like I was dragging 50 tons behind me. Now only... 'half' a day has gone, and Dad's coming home today, but my house is messy, and dad has to go to work tomorrow! So that means a whole more day of caring, so from 3 days to 4...
I am trying not to, but the urge to complain, yell and scream is hitting hard then day 1. Everything seems to be coming down on me with NO parents to help. I feel like I'm on a path, all alone, and I have something that needs to go somewhere, yet the path is way to long. I can't even see where this thing need to go. The urge to sleep makes me tired, yet somethings always poking me, or something in my mind screams 'WAKE UP!'....
Have you ever had to do this before? I feel lost, like I've sown seed, yet it will never grown.
I need help, ask you can tell! Got any verse's for me or anything that can keep me going?
FOODS DONE! Must eat before called away for another task.
Posted by Shannon at 10:45 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
I woke up... about 10:00 today. Yes late, I know! It's a first I got some sleep, haven't slept all night without taking something to make me sleep.
Well I walked out of my room and... Mom was laying on our couch with sunglasses on. The Boy's were eating and Dad was washing some stuff. I found out that Dad had jsut aken mom to the doctors. Somehow she was doing something and with her long nail scratched her eye. Dad said she scratched it pretty good to, right across her pupil. So now, I have to take care of my brothers and mom. Dad is going to be out for work in another state (to lazy to try and spell it!) So I have to make all the food, do all the cleaning, give mom all the medicine and so on. Its going to be long three days. I just want prayer, for me, that God might give me strength and for my mom. I can tell it hurts VERY BADLY!
Thanks all,
In Christ,
Posted by Shannon at 11:29 AM 5 comments
Monday, May 26, 2008
Hehe, I haven't posted anything in a while... Well, life is good and all. Nothing new to post... same old day....
So yea... Still doing school =( (Summer HURRY UP!)
Yep, I should get to bed. Night ya'll!
*slinks off before parents get here*
Posted by Shannon at 7:33 PM 2 comments
Thursday, May 22, 2008
AMERICAN IDOL!!!!!!! and Advice
YES! HAHAHA!!! I'm part of 12 million who made David Cook WIN! Yes!
I was so sure Archy had won!! I was like all those girls had voted like 500 times. Hehe, seems like they didn't!
Did anyone else watch it? Did you see the most funny thing? For Guitar Hero's? *lol* It was sooo funny! My dad cracked up, a tad, it was like Wow!
My advice? oh yea, I wouldn't vote 16 next year if I was you.... maybe once or twice. Your phone bill might be larger with many votes.... =-/
Posted by Shannon at 5:24 AM 6 comments
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Yamaguchi wins 'Dancing With the Stars'
YAY! I sooooo happy! After 10 weeks of dancing Kirsti won! She is the First woman to win it since the very first Dancing with the Stars! Sorry, hehehe, couldn't contain myself. I'll be posting again... maybe tonight, or early tomorrow about how happy or upset I am with the winner of American Idol......
The trophy is sooo shiny! O.O Yet, sad to say but I can't find one that shows off its shiny mirror ballness!!! So... yea, had to post away on my gleefulness!
Posted by Shannon at 11:44 AM 0 comments
Redail, redial, redial!!!
Okay well..... yea. I stayed up LATE last!!!! (I have a reason!) What time? oh, about 11:15... WHY??? I was calling AMERICAN IDOL!!!!!!!!!! Why? TO VOTE! =D I started as soon as the show ended! Like 5 ZILLION others! hehehe But yea, I voted for David Cook! He is sooooooo good! (Might get the song by Switchfoot 'Dare you to Move' by David C.!! *Come on Dad!*) But when I ended and went to sleep I have voted 16 times!!!! YAY!!!! I know, most of you like.... that Other David..... *glares* but yea. That was my first time ever voting! After dialing is, I'd get mostly the busy beep, so I'd hang up, hit redial, and the call button. And repeat that about....... 1,000 times or more! Yep, I'm amazed that my thumb's didn't fall off.
So.... now we shall have to see TONIGHT! The Rocker vs. The Dreamer and blah, blah, blah! I just want to know who wins!
*Pokes Video* Hope it works, this is the song I want and here's 1/2 of my whole reason for voting 16 TIMES!
*Boo on judges!* (But, they have said before that he was a American Idol, and Randy for once stood up for him, and Simon has said good things about him.... =D)
Another thing! Everytime we get down to the last two, I vote for my favorite, and the other has won. So when Carrie Underwood was up with Bo, I 'voted' (note I have never called in until tonight) and Carrie won! I was so happy about that. But the thing is, I have NEVER Voted before, so..... lets see how this time turns out!
Posted by Shannon at 6:35 AM 4 comments
Monday, May 19, 2008
1st Night!
Why Breathless? What meaning does it have to me? Why should I name my blog THAT!?
without breath or breathing with difficulty; gasping; panting: We were breathless after the steep climb.
with the breath held, as in suspense, astonishment, fear, or the like: breathless listeners of the mystery story.
causing loss of breath, as from excitement, anticipation, or tension: a breathless ride.
dead; lifeless.
motionless or still, as air without a breeze: a breathless summer day.
That is what I am, dead, lifeless, motionless and still! Until God saved me, breathed into me, and I came alive! I am breathless every time I look outside, breathless that God even cares about me! Have you ever felt like that? Some say, 'Oh, look at mother nature, she's at it again!' But I say 'Look at God, how wonderful and amazing he is to have made all this!' He could have made one flower, one plant, yet he made millions of trees, flowers and plants!
What a God we serve! I am humbled as I read about him. Are you?
Posted by Shannon at 6:52 PM 3 comments