Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Redail, redial, redial!!!


Okay well..... yea. I stayed up LATE last!!!! (I have a reason!) What time? oh, about 11:15... WHY??? I was calling AMERICAN IDOL!!!!!!!!!! Why? TO VOTE! =D I started as soon as the show ended! Like 5 ZILLION others! hehehe But yea, I voted for David Cook! He is sooooooo good! (Might get the song by Switchfoot 'Dare you to Move' by David C.!! *Come on Dad!*) But when I ended and went to sleep I have voted 16 times!!!! YAY!!!! I know, most of you like.... that Other David..... *glares* but yea. That was my first time ever voting! After dialing is, I'd get mostly the busy beep, so I'd hang up, hit redial, and the call button. And repeat that about....... 1,000 times or more! Yep, I'm amazed that my thumb's didn't fall off.

So.... now we shall have to see TONIGHT! The Rocker vs. The Dreamer and blah, blah, blah! I just want to know who wins!

*Pokes Video* Hope it works, this is the song I want and here's 1/2 of my whole reason for voting 16 TIMES!
*Boo on judges!* (But, they have said before that he was a American Idol, and Randy for once stood up for him, and Simon has said good things about him.... =D)

Another thing! Everytime we get down to the last two, I vote for my favorite, and the other has won. So when Carrie Underwood was up with Bo, I 'voted' (note I have never called in until tonight) and Carrie won! I was so happy about that. But the thing is, I have NEVER Voted before, so..... lets see how this time turns out!


Tiffany said...

YOU VOTED!!! Three cheers for Shannon! *throws confetti* I have yet to vote...I really should sometime. I'd like to do it when there are only two contestants left. Anyways, that's great!
Awesome video! I think David Cook sings that really well! Though, like I told you, I'm still not sure which I like better..David Cook or David Archuleta. Both sing in different styles and I like both of them. :)

Shannon said...

D.C. All the way!!!!!
I was amazed, mom was like 'Quick whats the numbers?!'
The only reason I got to call is that we have the Time Wanner Cable thing, so we can call anywhere in the U.S.A and are bill stays the same. My mom calls her mom a lot more now (hehe)
It was fun.

(Tiff, come to the Cook side, we have cookies ;) )

Robin said...

WHOOO HOOOOO!!! Glad you got your blog!!! I'll check on you!!! AND, I soooo prefer Mr. Cook!!!! Chelsey likes the other David! If I had my way.....Carly would have won!!!! oh well....

Robin said...